
Freehand Geometric Drawing

I enjoy classical constructions, I adore the compass, but the straightedge has always felt slow and ungainly, fiddly. As a result I have developed a sketchy freehand methodology to explore patterns in a more fluid and improvisational way than is encouraged by the classical methods.

    This style obviously sacrifices precision for flow, the overall margin of error is always going to be larger, but I’ve found that by focusing on parallel-ness rather than nodal correctness, I’m able to expand many tilings to fill a modest space. Certainly enough to experiment with a new pattern, or test the limits of a fresh idea.

    I use freehand geometric drawing as a way to incorporate improvisation into my practice. I like stumbling upon an idea and following it to see what happens, here I’ll share some of my sketches, experiments, and projects utilizing freehand geometric drawing/thinking.

Sketches / Experiments

Bad Pattern, fun drawing

I wasn’t happy with the final expression of pattern here, but its a good example of the improvisational development of an idea. There’s something here, but I didn’t quite find it.

More Drawings and Experiments